Novo Hamburgo  •  Rio Grande do Sul  •  Brazil  •  05/18/2024


MK08 - Notching Machine

Enlarge - MK08
Chamfering machine to perform accurately in various materials such as leather, synthetics, felts, etc. Razor with independent motor and constant speed with fast approaching.
It has electronic regulation of the transport speed, controlled by pedal and / or potentiometer thus allowing the execution of sharp curves.
It is also used to lower parts with small widths (up to 20mm).
It has hood for leather waste and emery powder. It is equipped with independent sharpening system, which allows fine-tuning, ensuring quality of cut wire and little wear on the knife.

Technical Data

Maximum chamfer width: 20mm
Maximum chamfer Height: 4mm
Width roller conveyor: 50mm
transport speed: max. 60 m / min
razor rotation: 1,680 RPM / 60HZ
Installed power: 0.85 Kw
Dimensions (W x H x D): 500 x 1.100 x 1.170mm
Weight without packaging: 106 kg

Associated to

AbrameqBy Brasil
